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Primavera Contract Management (PCM):
Custom Change Collection Plugin

Out of the box, Oracle Primavera Contract Management (PCM, formerly known as Contract Manager, Expedition) summarizes change orders during the process of collecting them. A single line item is created in the payment requisition that represents the entire change order. Change order cost distributions are aggregated, and then they are attached to the new payment requisition line item. There is a problem with doing this, however, which is that the detail behind the line items in the change order is lost on the payment requisition, and by extension, so is the justification for the amount certified.

Emerald Associates' technology works to amend the CM behaviour so that any changes that are collected into payment requisitions are brought in at the line item level. All of the detail is kept intact. The line items are all present on the requisition and they can all be progressed independently of each other. Complex contracts and change orders are modeled on the requisition without reduced fidelity.

This plug-in technology adds to Emerald Associates' comprehensive project and contract management suite of tools, continuing to assure its customers of a competitive advantage in complex project management scenarios.