P6-Loader v14 - New Release
Better resource assignment and unique loading options, record action column, and backup of layouts

July 30, 2024

Better resource assignment and unique loading options, record action column, and backup of layouts
New Features
Better resource assignment and unique loading options - an auto-assignable UDF in the resource assignments can be used to match UDFs when loading and is assigned automatically when loading and extracting resource assignments.
Record action column - adds the ability to specify which action is expected from that record. For example, if you want to ensure that a given user can only be updated but not inserted, the action would be UPDATE.
Layout backup option - you can now include layouts, reports, changes and filters in the daily P6-Loader backup.
Export shift/shift periods from Primavera P6 and convert shift and shift periods from XER/XML files.
Allow custom "CLEAR" cell values, and the value <CLEAR> is the default value to clean up P6 field values, UDFs, and codes.
Fixes a bug that would prevent date fields from being cleared in P6.