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Ravi Wallau - Integration Specialist

Ravi started working with computers as a child, programming with BASIC language on his MSX, a platform once popular outside of North America. In 1998, Ravi started an internship where he further developed his programming skills. After one year, this internship became his first job, where he gained experience developing industrial automation systems.

Over time, Ravi has worked in many different industries and programming languages, developing banking, integration and mobile solutions in C/C++, Java, Visual Basic and C # for a variety of platforms.

From 2007 to 2011, Ravi moved from Brazil, his native country, to Canada with the desire to live and learn another culture, as well as gain experience working in diverse environments.

Since 2009, Ravi has been an important part of the team at Emerald Associates. He has participated in key integration projects with major clients, such as CL&P, Suncor and Nexen, acting as the key technical lead in all phases of the projects. Ravi is also a key contributor at Emerald Associates in the development of unique in-house products such as TAPS, P6-Reporter (previously EP-datawarehouse), CAPPS, P6-Auditor and P6-Loader.

Ravi is a dedicated and insightful developer, one who prides himself on the quality of his work. He truly strives to provide optimal functionality so that each piece of a complex integration system fits together to give the end-user what they really need and more.