Large US Refinery Implements Emerald Tools
Learn how this refinery used P6-Loader and TAPS to improve accuracy and speed when working with data in their P6 schedules and how they used EP-datawarehouse and custom dashboards to help with cost control and management visibility for their turnarounds.

Cost controls more effective and schedule updating more streamlined

Client Overview
Client is one of North America's largest integrated energy companies. Their Lima refinery was looking for a way to improve their turnarounds and create custom dashboards for better visibility for management.
Their Lima refinery was looking for a way to have more effective cost controls for their turnarounds.
They needed a way to streamline data entry and schedule updating and reporting.
Emerald's Turnaround Productivity Package - TAPS, P6-Loader, EP-dashboard, and P6-Reporter (previously EP-datawarehouse) was implemented
Schedule updates are now completed in less than a quarter of the time. Updating takes a matter of minutes using TAPS, rather than several hours
P6-Loader streamlined the addition of found work to both the working schedule and the baseline schedule
P6-Reporter is used to store snapshotted data for multiple uses for EV and Trending
EP-dashboards utilize the snapshot data to create custom dashboards for management including Green-Ups, Inspections and S-Curves
From Our Customer
"Coming in at 6am instead of 4am each day made a big difference to our team; not only on a daily basis but by not being exhausted at the end of the turnaround. TAPS saved 600 grueling hours.”